I had a gerber daisy with 3 pretty blooms. I keep the soil moist and one day sat the plant outside for a few hours. Now it looks as if I have killed it. The leaves are still green but look wilted. What can I do to help it come back, or what do I do with it now.
Taking care of a gerber daisy?
I have 3 gerbers in a large pot that is outside. If it gets way to hot and sunny, the flowers tend to wilt and I need to water it more often. Occasionally the flowers do wilt and need to be pinched off, so more can grow. Get some of those bark pieces that you see covering the ground in the parks or other places that have public flower beds, (I forgot what this stuff is called) put that on top of the soil, so the sun doesn't hit the soil directly and dry it out faster, it hits the bark pieces instead. About twice a month water with some plant food ( I use the miricle grow powder-mix one tablespoon to a gallon of water) or whatever you use to fertilize and feed. If you have direct hot sun all the time, you may have to move them under a little cover, (under a porch awning?) so they might get morning and evening sun but not direct noon sun. Good luck!
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