Friday, November 18, 2011

I put my dog Daisy to sleep last Monday and I am still grieving.?

Does anyone know how to deal with this sorrow and how long it takes to get over the loss of a beloved pet?

I put my dog Daisy to sleep last Monday and I am still grieving.?
i had to put mii dog down too i now how u feel i am still not over it and that was over a year ago it helped me to not see her pictures noo more try it and try to keep ur mind of memories and throw away or pput away her toys and food and etc if u havent already try not to thitnk about her i now it hard but keep ur self busy
Reply:i know what ur goin thru dogs are part of the family i put my dog to sleep 2yrs ago and when i see a photo i still feel sad

after a bit u just get used to it

but if u are feeling really down get some anti-depresants from ur gp

sorry to hear about daisy
Reply:So sorry for your loss, it just takes time- lost my friend that grew up with me for 12 years and still miss her - I am 34 now- but I smile now when I think of her quirky ways etc! She was very loved and I believe she knew this , just as Daisy did too! Best wishes!
Reply:I feel for you all the way... things like this just take time. Try to stay busy and focus on other things for awhile. It's still a little soon, but it will definetly help to go and pick out a new puppy/dog. No pet will replace your Daisy, but it's heathy and good to have a new friend to pour your love into! I'm sorry about your loss!
Reply:The only thing you can do is go thru the grieving. It just takes time.. You cannot hurry it, and everyone is different. I lost my very best friend in 2002 and I will still cry over her 6 years later.. Just don't cry nearly as often, and have plenty of fond memories of her.
Reply:after we put our beloved dog down I googled about greieving the loss of a pet..maybe that will help....
Reply:it can take a long time. I had to put my dog that i had since i was 5 down and i miss her soooo much. My other dog started grieving and wasn't doing so good so i got her a puppy 2 months later and i wanted another dog. It takes some time but i know what you're going through
Reply:The loss of any we love hurts and while it gets better with time, it never goes away completely. It has been only a short time so that's okay. If you feel you are so sad that you cannot function then please talk to someone (pastor/rabbi/good Friend).

I still carry the sweet memories and I am grateful for them, I was lucky to have such great dogs in my life.

Hang in there. I'll pray Daisy is chasing squirrels in heaven - and that for once - the squirrels are slow or dogs can climb trees, anything is possible now.
Reply:I'm so sorry for your loss. I, like most everyone else here, knows what you are going through. It's never easy to say good-bye-bye to a beloved pet.

I know that this is easy for me to tell you, but not as easy to do, but you have to try and remember the good times and the happy memories that you had with Daisy. Know that your dog will live forever in your heart where she will always hold a special place.

Daisy is now at The Rainbow Bridge and waiting for you and I'm sure that she is having a good time with the dogs that I've lost. None of are in any pain and they are not suffering.

I'm going to give you some links that hopefully will help you through this difficult time. The first two are for The Rainbow Bridge and the others are places where you can put a free memorial for your dog.

Again, my deepest condolences.

May Daisy rest in peace knowing that she was and will always be loved.


I wish that I could tell you that you will be over losing Daisy tomorrow, but there's no easy answer to the question as when you'll feel better and stop missing Daisy. No two people handle grief in the same way and some people can handle grief it better and get over it and quicker than others.

All I can tell you is that in time, it will get better and tears will become less. There are still times when I shed tears over my first dog who I lost 25 years ago. I have her ashes in an urn near the head of my bed as that was her favorite place to sleep.

Reply:we have 6 animals and if we lose one we replace it pretty quickly.. there are so many unwanted unloved animals out there and you have and empty place in your home and your heart.. nothing like a few wet kisses to chase the blues away
Reply:it is seriously hard to deal with the death of a family member, human or furbaby. keep pictures around, toys around, and talk to her as if she were still there in the flesh so to speak. it will take time to get over her death, but you will always remember the fun times, and the sad times. it will be up to you when the greiving process stops, and most likely never will, it will just get easier as days go by. celebrate the day you got her, birthdyas, christmas, anything that makes you feel better. i am not going to tell you to rush out and get a new puppy. you will do that in your own time. i lost my wolves, mother and son 2 and 3 years ago, because i left my ex, and he said the only way he knew how to hurt was kill them. he did by not takig the money i sent for their care. but i know for 13 years they hada great life with me, i'm just sorry i didn't make it back in time( to take them away) so they could have been saved, or at least died in my arms. i have their pictures in my personal spots in our home. i am so sorry for your loss! god bless you and daisey! hugs and kisses from our dogs to you.
Reply:I am sorry about daisy. 2 years ago we had to put my dog to sleep and it was very hard but dont think about her being gone try to think that she is still there you just cant see her and maby try to gett out and dont let her not being there make you sad. try to think about the good things in the past. good luck going through this.. o and i am just saying another thing that helped me was i have a picture and her dogg tag in my wallet that makes me feel good to just see her picture..
Reply:I know it seems pushy but I agree with the person who basically said "replace her." Not that you EVER could. Of course not...but distraction is a great tool. You could give another pooch a home (Daisy would be smiling on your for it) and the next thing you know it will be six months down the line and you'll only shed one tear when you think of her.

Think about honor of your friend.

Much love to you at this tough time -
Reply:i'm so sorry you're dealing with this...losing a beloved pet is the worst part of sharing our lives with them. there is no real time frame in getting thru the's different for each person so don't expect that what worked for one person will be the same as what you find you need.

there is a wonderful on-line support group for people going thru this. and you may find that some of their links or forums help you too. sometimes talking about it with people who have been there or are going thru it too seems to help, and maybe reading some of he poems there would help:

it has been four years since i had to put my brandi to rest, and while times has soothed the sharpness of her loss, it hasn't really taken it totally away. i don't think it ever really will. ironically, today is brandi's birthday (she'd have been 21 today!), so it's kind of a sad occasion on this end too. tears have flowed off and on all day, but that's okay. how much they are loved can be measured in part by how much they are grieved after.

for me, i found it helped to doing something like make a cement garden stone for her. there are many kits available in craft stores, and it is decorated with her dog tag, some polished river rocks, her name and dates. it sits out back where she is buried, among the pretty flowers planted there. i have done this for all of the animals we have lost over the years, and it seems to help ease the grief a little each time i do this ritual. a local artist also did a small pastel painting from her photo. it sits in my living room and i love seeing her smiley face when i'm in there.

making a donation to your local animal shelter in honor of your daisy might help too. knowing that in her passing, she is helping the lives of another dog may make you feel better.

don't assume that you need to get another dog right away - you will know if and when that time comes. it may be tomorrow so you have a companion to help get you thru may not be for several years, so you can let the memories of your daisy bounce about freely without feeling like you've tried to replace her. if i could offer any real advice, it would be to cry when you need to, look at her photos when it helps, and write in a journal so you can get your feelings out.

i wish you all the peace you need while you grieve the loss of your friend. it is not easy to say goodbye, even when we know it's inevitable.
Reply:I had a German Shepard when I was a older teen, she was my two kids first dog, they were babies in the crib crying and she would come get me. She though what ever my daughter ate she ate, I even have a picture of them sharing a Dom Dom sucker, my daughter would lick it then the dog would lick it. I am glad I have those memories but most of all I know she still watches over my family and I know one day I will be able to see her where all the animals are in heaven. I believe our pets have spirits that we can relate to. That's their personalities not two alike. The emptiness and pain will get better as time goes on just remember your pet would want you to go on and even one day find another sweet spirit pet not the same as they were but a little different.
Reply:I'm so sorry for ur loss. When my dog passed away i was so hysterical for days i had to go see our family doctor he suggested I write her a good bye letter. I also did a photo book of her, my favorite picture of us framed with a poem and a few other thing. I felt like I wanted to honor her in someway for standing by me and getting me through life for 13 years.

It took me 5 months before I was ready to get another dog and I felt like she would be happy for me. Only i couldn't get a girl because she will always be my baby girl. so I got a boy and I couldn't imagine life with out him he makes me smile on the darkest of days. I love knowing that she is his guardian angel

Its been 6 year and I still miss her but I promise it gets easier I really thought i would never be OK but I took steps to be better.

so do what you need to and grieve at your own pace.

I wish you all the best. Daisy is in a happy, beautiful ,safe and fun place you don't have to worry about her anymore just remember her fondly.
Reply:when i had to put my dog to sleep... it took me a long time to get over it..... i still am saddened but it was a necessary.... nothing deserves to suffer ya know.... you did a good thing... everyone has there own timing with grieving. people cope different ways..... such as getting a new pet, or spending time with a friends pet or even making a resting place for it so you can visit any time you want....... think of all the positive things you learned and how much fun you had....... personally i put all my dogs belongings away for awhile so i can relax and not always have it on my mind when i saw hes squeak bone walking in the door everyday. jsut needed a break from it.... but when i got a new dog a year or 2 later i brought it all out...... refreshing the good times and how many good times having with a new dog.......

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