Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My English bulldog Daisy has a red bumb on her eye does anyone know what it is?

Last weekend, at the cottage, I notice a red mark on Daisy's (my english bulldog) eye. Now, it's in the back corner (not the corner towards her nose) of her right eye, smaller then a dime, a redish pinkish colour, and to me, it looks like it's a scratch that has swollen up. Now of course as soon as I saw it, I went to the vet. She did an ink test (to test if it was a scratch) and the whole red spot illuminate, meaning it's a scratch, right? But the problem is that the vet seemed unsure, which make me uneasy. I wanted to make sure that it would go away and it wouldn't make my baby go blind. The vet said she'd never sceen this before. She gave me a gel called: Tobrex. My bulldog is like a baby to me, so I'm a little worried. Has anyone ever had something like this? A red bumb on the eye? Do you think it's a scratch that just got a little irratated because some cottage sand? We for sure know it's not a cherry eye. Does anyone know what it is? Does it sound like something you know?

My English bulldog Daisy has a red bumb on her eye does anyone know what it is?
My Bulldog gets these allot and hes still a baby, its some sort of pimple like thing that grows on the eyelid my vet told me not to worry about it, cause i worry ALLOT about him. If it gets worse starts to look infected or something than get a second opinion.It doesnt sound like cherry eye so thats good.

Good Luck :)
Reply:If your vet is unsure (especially if you're unsure about your vet's lack of confidence), you will want to take her to an eye specialist. Does your state have a University veterinary hospital? That's usually the best place to find doctors who are "up on the latest", which you will definitely want if the eye needs surgery. If you're not sure who to go to, look on the interenet for a local all breed or bulldog club. They usually know who all the best vet specialists in the area are.
Reply:My aunt has an English bulldog and had something similar happen but it seamed to happen within about 2 days a red bump and then his eye actually popped. she had to put in a glass eye. and he is blind in that eye (obviously, right)

I would suggest looking up a vet who specializes in English Bulldogs, you might have better luck getting a diagnosis.
Reply:Would suggest seeing another vet,but in the meantime you can purchase a med called Terramcin ophthalmic ointment at any local feed store and use as directed.If the eye turns white or cloudy,this pup could become blind.The meds above will help your pet if it is just inflamed from debre.

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