Thursday, May 20, 2010

When can i collect seeds to plant from gerber daisy?

The best time to get your seeds from any plant is when you see the flowers fading, I mean almost dried up, then pick the flower head and take indoors, gently pull the flower head apart and you will find the seeds (best done on a sheet of paper) remove all the other stuff, most daisy family seeds have the little tuffs of fluff or feather ends on them, this is how they get carried by the wind to pastures new, you can either lay them onto kitchen tissue till the seeds are dry and the tiny fluffy bits will fall of, it easier to then lay the dried seeds back onto paper and gently blow away all the chaff as it is called (the dust and unwanted bits and the seeds separate from this after a few blows by mouth, dont sow the seeds deeply or germination will be limited to a few seeds that are close to the top soil, water the seed trays from the bottom so you dont wash away all the small seeds, Good luck,

When can i collect seeds to plant from gerber daisy?
when the flower has been pollenated and dries it produces a "puff ball" of seeds. collect all you want.

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